what do commercial weed growers add to hash oil or concentrates to make vape pens

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If you're a cannabis enthusiast, you may take wondered if you tin make your own vape juice with THC. The respond is yes—and there are several ways to practice it. When you make your own eastward-liquid, you get to control what ingredients go into information technology, as well as how stiff your vape oil turns out. In this article, we'll talk yous through some of the primary means to craft your own cannabis oil for vape pens, starting with the quickest methods and then moving to the more complex and time-consuming techniques.

  1. ane

    Put a cannabis nugget between 2 pieces of parchment newspaper. Or, take a single piece of paper and fold information technology in half, with the nugget in the middle. Gently massage the nugget to flatten it as much equally possible.[1]

    • Make sure y'all utilise parchment paper rather than wax paper or ordinary writing paper. Parchment newspaper is heat resistant and won't burn or contaminate your asset with melted wax.
  2. 2

    Heat a hair straightener to 230–300 °F (110–149 °C). If you already have a hair straightener, check the settings to brand sure it tin estrus to the correct temperature range. If not, yous may demand to buy an adjustable straightener that lets you control the oestrus.[2]

    • You can besides check the temperature of your hair straightener with an infrared (laser) thermometer. You tin get one of these handy gadgets at a hardware or office supply store.
    • If the nugget gets too hot, you could burn away terpenes and THC, which will give yous a lower-quality rosin.[3]


  3. 3

    Squeeze the nugget firmly within the hair straightener. You'll need both heat and a lot of pressure to go the good stuff out. Squeeze hard for about iii-5 seconds, then check the wax paper to see if any oil has come out of the nugget.[4] It should look similar a brownish, gummy liquid surrounding the asset.[5]

    • You'll hear a sizzling sound when the nugget begins to release rosin.[half-dozen]
    • The lower the temperature of the hair straightener, the longer y'all'll demand to clasp. However, endeavor non to press for longer than 10 seconds at a time to avert burning the nugget.
    • You may need to printing the asset multiple times to release all the oils. Transfer the nugget to a new piece of paper betwixt presses.
  4. four

    Use a dabber tool to collect the rosin from the newspaper. A dabber is a metal tool with a small scoop at i end. Apply the scoop to scrape upwardly the rosin. Or, if you take a dabber with a round head at the other end, simply curlicue information technology around on the parchment paper until all the rosin builds upwardly in a brawl on the caput.[7]

  5. 5

    Transfer the rosin to a new piece of parchment paper. Carefully wipe the rosin you lot've collected off the dabber onto the clean paper. Fold the paper over and press the rosin flat, then stick it in your fridge to absurd.[8]

    • Cooling the rosin will make it firmer and less gooey, so it should exist easier to transfer it to your mixing container.
  6. 6

    Collect between .4 and ane gram (0.014 and 0.035 oz) of rosin. To fill 1 cartridge, aim to make at to the lowest degree .4–.five grams (0.014–0.018 oz) of rosin.[9] Employ a small kitchen scale to figure out how much rosin you have. If y'all're weighing the rosin in a container, weigh the container empty offset. Then, weigh information technology again with the rosin within. Subtract the weight of the vessel to find the weight of the rosin.

    • Some recipes recommend extracting as much as ane gram (0.035 oz), but you more often than not don't need a lot to make full a little vape pen cartridge.
  7. vii

    Place the rosin in a mixing vessel, such as a glass vial. Choose a container that'southward heat safe, like a borosilicate drinking glass vial, dram, or flask. Scrape the cooled rosin off of the parchment paper into the mixing container.[ten]

    • Science supply stores are a great place to get these types of containers. You can also get them online.
  8. eight

    Add 8 drops of terpenes per .5 grams (0.018 oz) of rosin. Terpenes, which are aromatic compounds found in a multifariousness of plants, are a popular type of liquidizer for vape juice. Starting with 8 drops is usually a adept bet, simply yous may demand to add more or less than that. If you lot add too much, the smoke could sting your nose and throat, while also piddling won't make your rosin juicy enough to vaporize properly.[11] Experiment with different amounts of terpenes until yous get the results you lot want.[12]

    • While many recipes recommend using PG (propylene glycol), PEG (polyethylene glycol), or VG (vegetable glycerin) equally liquidizers, these products might be unsafe to inhale. Some researchers think they may release formaldehyde or other irritating or toxic gases when yous estrus them upward.[13]
    • Popular terpenes include phytol, linalool, and limonene. You can also buy terpenes in a diversity of flavors to boost the taste of your vape juice.
    • While terpenes are often idea to be safer than other liquidizers, there'south nevertheless non a lot of research out in that location on the possible health effects of vaping them.[fourteen]
    • You can buy terpenes and other liquidizers online or from stores that sell vape products. Always enquiry the product to make sure it's made by a reputable manufacturer who's transparent about the ingredients they use.
  9. ix

    Estrus the container with a flame for 3-4 seconds. You can use a regular lighter for this role of the process. Hold the base of the container in the flame and watch closely. As soon equally the mixture starts to bubble, turn off the flame and stir the solution with a toothpick or your dabber until the liquid is well mixed.[fifteen]

    • If you don't remove the heat right away once the mixture starts to bubble, you lot could fire off some of those tasty terpenes and reduce the quality of your juice.
    • Some recipes recommend microwaving the mixture for ten seconds instead of using a flame.[xvi] Withal, you won't have every bit much command over how much you heat the vape liquid using this method.
  10. 10

    Transfer the liquid into your cartridge with a clean syringe. Your vape juice is ready to use! Give it a lilliputian time to cool, then catch a syringe and draw the liquid into it. Utilize a syringe with a edgeless needle. Make certain the syringe is clean, or you lot could contaminate your vape liquid or give information technology an unpleasant flavor.[17]

    • You tin can buy edgeless-needle syringes online or from stores that sell vaping supplies.


  1. one

    Tear some marijuana blossom into pocket-size pieces. Put the pieces in a small, heat-proof drinking glass cooking dish, jar, or beaker. At that place's no set amount of marijuana bloom yous need to use for this—it all depends on how much vape juice yous want to make.[18] Almost 10 grams (0.35 oz) of flower is a proficient starting point.[xix]

    • Yous tin also use this type of cannabis oil as a tincture, or even cook it into gummies and other tasty edibles.
    • Information technology's better to tear up the bloom by hand rather than grind them. If the bud is footing too fine, information technology volition be hard to filter the blossom fragments out of your vape liquid at the end of the process.
  2. 2

    Saturate the bloom pieces with vegetable glycerin. Pour in merely enough glycerin to barely cover the flower. To go a overnice, strong juice, you want your mixture to be thick and gooey, non runny.[20]

    • Vegetable glycerin is a natural product derived from plant oils, such as palm or soybean oil. Information technology's totally condom to eat food-grade VG, simply unfortunately, it'southward still not articulate how condom it is to inhale information technology. Some studies testify that it may dethrone into unsafe chemicals chosen carbonyls when heated.[21]
    • You can purchase food-class vegetable glycerin at well-nigh grocery or department stores.
  3. iii

    Pour vegetable oil into a glass baking dish. Add together enough oil to comprehend the lesser i inch (2.five cm) of the dish. You'll use this oil to make a hot "bath" for the vape juice. The basic canola or vegetable oil that you lot tin can buy in the blistering alley at your grocery store will work fine.[22]

    • Alternatively, brand a hot water bath by pouring water into the dish instead of oil.[23] However, keep in listen that water baths tend to evaporate apace and can be hard to maintain at a stable temperature for long periods of time.[24]
    • Don't overfill the oil bath, since the hot oil could overflow when you add the container of marijuana and VG. Make certain the dish is no more than two thirds full.
    • A Pyrex bowl that's about 8–9 inches (xx–23 cm) wide and at least iii–four inches (seven.vi–x.2 cm) deep volition piece of work well. At that place's more risk of overflow with a shallow dish, and you'll need more oil to fill up a wider container.
  4. 4

    Oestrus the oil bath on a hot plate to 220 °F (104 °C). Put a food thermometer in the dish so that you lot tin sentry the temperature carefully. Turn the hot plate on at a low heat setting and wait for the oil to accomplish a temperature of 220 °F (104 °C). Accommodate the heat up or downwardly as needed until the temperature is stable.[25]

    • Information technology'south of import to go on the temperature precise and stable so that you don't overcook the marijuana, which will reduce the potency of your vape juice.
    • Be very careful when handling the hot oil. Don't get any water into your oil bath, since this could crusade it to splatter and burn y'all. Wear goggles and a long-sleeved shirt to reduce your risk of burns.[26]
  5. 5

    Place the container of flower and VG in the hot oil bath. Ideally, the bottom of the smaller container should be submerged in the oil, but y'all don't want the oil bath to be so deep that it floats. Work carefully then that you don't get burned or splattered by the hot oil.[27]

  6. vi

    Boil the VG and marijuana mixture at about 180 °F (82 °C). Put a second thermometer in the smaller container so that you can monitor the temperature carefully. You want to heat the mixture to 180 °F (82 °C), since this is the temperature at which the bloom volition begin to release THC into the vegetable glycerin.[28]

    • If you discover the temperature of the mixture going above 190 °F (88 °C), slightly reduce the rut of the oil bathroom to bring it back to the right temperature range.[29] You don't want to lose those flavorful terpenes or burn off any THC!
  7. 7

    Stir the mixture frequently for well-nigh 45 minutes. Use a dabber or stirring rod to mix the marijuana and vegetable glycerin equally it simmers. This will help maintain an even temperature and will distribute the THC into the VG as it releases from the blossom.[30]

    • Be careful not to touch the hot oil when y'all're stirring the mixture! To be actress safe, put on a pair of estrus-resistant gloves.
    • Some recipes recommend keeping the mixture in the oil bathroom for at least four hours in guild to create an extra potent batch of oil.[31]
  8. 8

    Strain the infused VG into a separate container. After 45 minutes, remove the mixture from the heat and let information technology cool for a few minutes. Put a fine-mesh strainer over a clean glass jar and cascade the mixture of marijuana and VG into the strainer. Apply a silicone spatula to push button on the bud and clasp as much of the VG as possible into the jar.[32]

    • If some fragments of bud make it through the strainer, don't worry. Yous'll exist able to refine your oil even more later.
    • The VG is very gummy and thick, so you'll need to push button pretty hard to clasp it all out.[33]
  9. 9

    Cook the buds in a fresh batch of VG 2 more times. In order to get as much cannabis oil out of the flower equally possible, repeat the procedure a couple more times. Subsequently straining the buds, transfer them back into the heatproof container and saturate them with make clean vegetable glycerin. One time once again, heat the buds in the oil bathroom for 45 minutes, then strain them. Practice this ane more time, for a total of 3 runs.[34]

    • The offset run will be the most potent. If you lot want, you lot can go on the three runs divide to create batches with different levels of authorization.[35]
  10. 10

    Boil your final solution in the oil bathroom at 220 °F (104 °C) for xxx minutes. This final heating process will decarboxylate the cannabis, which activates the THC and makes the oil more strong.[36] Transfer the infused VG into a clean, heat-proof glass container and put information technology back in the oil bath. Increase the temperature of the oil bath enough that the vape juice in the smaller container reaches a temperature of 220 °F (104 °C). Let it cook for some other half hour.[37]

    • At this betoken, y'all will have made 3 runs of the extract, and then this should be your fourth time heating the VG solution.
    • Some recipes recommend straining the oil through cheesecloth first to remove any lasting tiny bud particles before decarboxylating, while others save the final straining for last. Experiment with doing it both ways to run into which method makes the tastiest, about potent juice.
  11. eleven

    Strain the oil through iii layers of cheesecloth. Remove the cannabis oil from the oestrus and let information technology cool for a few minutes. Line a fine-mesh strainer with 3 layers of cheesecloth. Alternatively, you can put the cheesecloth in a rice press, which will let you lot squeeze a little extra oil out of the cloth. Hold the strainer or rice press over a make clean jar and cascade the oil through it.[38]

    • One time every bit much fluid every bit possible has dribbled through the material on its own, give information technology a firm clasp (either using a spatula or with the rice press) to push out the last few drops.
    • For actress-fine filtration, put some other piece of cheesecloth over the top of the collection container to catch whatever institute bits that sneak through.
  12. 12

    Inject the solution into a vape cartridge. Catch a clean, blunt-needle syringe and draw a minor amount of cannabis oil from the jar. Inject it into an empty vape cartridge. Savour your new cannabis-infused vape juice![39]

    • Store the remaining oil in a sealed jar until you're set to use it.
    • Most cannabis extracts tin can stay good for several months if you shop them in a cool, dry, dark place.[40] Too much light and heat will break downwards the THC and make your juice less stiff.


  1. 1

    Break up some raw buds past hand. This extraction procedure is similar to the short-term glycerin extraction method, but it doesn't crave a hot oil bath. Still, it takes a few months to complete. To showtime, break upwardly some marijuana flower into pocket-sized pieces. Don't use a grinder, since this will create very fine fragments that could be hard to filter out of the oil.[41]

    • This method is also called the cold process.[42] This is a great option if you're not in a rush or you don't want to mess effectually with hot plates and other equipment.
    • There's no set corporeality of bloom yous need to use for this procedure. Some recipes call for filling a canning or mason jar about 2-thirds full of broken-up bloom, only you don't need to apply that much if you're making a smaller batch.
  2. 2

    Broil the buds at 250 °F (121 °C) for 30 minutes. Spread the buds on a foil-lined baking sheet. Or, alternatively, you can keep them in a rut-proof glass jar.[43] Place them in the oven and let them cook at a low temperature for half an hr to decarboxylate the cannabis and activate the THC.[44]

    • Baking the buds before you put them in glycerin will give the vape juice a squeamish roasted flavor, just information technology can also burn away some of the natural aromatic compounds (terpenes) in the marijuana plant. If you want to save the terpenes, heat upward the oil at the end of the extraction process instead.
    • If y'all choose to decarboxylate after, you lot'll withal need to dry out the buds first. Put them in the oven at 200 °F (93 °C) and turn them every few minutes, until the buds become brittle and break easily when yous whorl them betwixt your fingers.
    • Allow the buds cool for a few minutes after taking them out of the oven.
  3. 3

    Put the buds in a sealable glass jar. A mason jar or canning jar will work fine for this purpose. Yous'll need a jar with a tight-plumbing equipment lid since you'll be steeping the cannabis and vegetable glycerin in the jar for a few months.[45]

    • Put a characterization on the jar with the date so you lot can keep rails of how long the cold extraction procedure has been going on.
  4. four

    Add enough vegetable glycerin to saturate the buds. Aim to brand a mixture that's thick and clumpy rather than runny. This will give you a more stiff extract.[46]

    • Some recipes recommend stirring in enough vegetable glycerin to thoroughly coat the buds, then pouring in another 1 inch (2.5 cm) of VG on top. This method will requite you a slightly milder juice.[47]
  5. five

    Stir the mixture thoroughly. Stirring helps release the THC into the vegetable glycerin. Use a dabber or a stirring rod to arouse the bud and mix it in thoroughly with the VG.[48]

    • Y'all can as well seal the jar and shake it, or even put information technology in a tumbler or vibrating cartridge instance cleaner for a few minutes.
  6. six

    Seal the jar and store it in a cool place for 2 months. Side by side comes the hardest part of the process—lots of waiting. To ensure that the compounds in the cannabis don't interruption downwardly and degrade, go on the jar someplace cool and dark. Yous tin even wrap it in aluminum foil or put information technology in a brown newspaper purse to make sure that no light gets in.[49]

    • Make sure the jar is well sealed. You'll get the best results if the container is airtight.[50]
  7. 7

    Shake or stir the jar daily. Regular mixing volition help release as much of the THC as possible.[51] In one case a day, grab the jar and either open it upward and stir the contents, or give it a vigorous shake to get everything mixed up.

  8. 8

    Strain the mixture after sixty days and add fresh flower. Once 2 months have passed, cascade the vegetable glycerin mixture through a fine-mesh strainer to filter out the buds. Add a new batch of baked buds to the infused glycerin, then seal the jar again and store it for some other 30-sixty days.[52]

    • Don't forget to keep stirring or shaking the jar daily!
    • Alternatively, you can go on the same buds and add some other 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of vegetable glycerin once a month for a total of 3 months.[53] Yet, your juice might be a little less potent if you do it this way.
  9. 9

    Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve. Later on all that time and patience, your vape oil is almost prepare! Place the sieve over the summit of a clean glass jar and pour the cannabis and VG mixture into it. Use a spoon or spatula to press the soaked buds up against the sieve and push out as much of the infused VG as possible.[54]

    • Vegetable glycerin is very thick, so you'll demand to employ a lot of force per unit area to squeeze as much of information technology out of the buds as possible.
    • Yous can also use a French press or a murphy ricer to squeeze out even more juice.[55]
    • Make the filtering process easier by warming the mixture a little before straining it. Set information technology in a hot water bath on the stove and warm it up to about 150 °F (66 °C). Use a cooking thermometer to check the temperature.
  10. 10

    Refine the oil farther with iv layers of cheesecloth. Wash out the original jar yous used for the extraction process or prepare a new, clean jar. Place a make clean mesh sieve at the pinnacle of the jar. Line the sieve with 4 layers of cheesecloth, and so cascade the filtered vape juice through the fabric. Permit as much liquid run into the jar as possible, then apply a spatula to clasp any remaining juice out of the cloth.[56]

    • When yous're done, seal the jar and store it in a cool, dark identify until you're set up to use the vape juice.
  11. 11

    Heat the juice to 180 °F (82 °C) if you didn't already decarboxylate it. Decarboxylating at this stage volition assist preserve some of the aromatic terpenes in your vape juice.[57] Pour most 1 inch (two.5 cm) of vegetable oil or water into a drinking glass baking dish and heat it to 220 °F (104 °C) on a hotplate set to depression estrus. Use a cooking thermometer to make certain that the temperature of the cannabis oil doesn't go in a higher place 180 °F (82 °C).[58]

    • Let the oil simmer in the oil or water bath for 30 minutes to fully activate the THC.
  12. 12

    Inject the juice into a vape cartridge. Use a blunt-needle syringe to fill a vape cartridge with your new eastward-juice. Save the rest in a sealed jar to employ whenever y'all like. The common cold extraction process produces an particularly flavorful and aromatic oil that you can as well use as a tincture.[59]


  1. 1

    Bake some finely chopped bud at 230 °F (110 °C) for 35 minutes. The alcohol extraction method is complicated, but it makes an actress full-bodied, high-quality cannabis oil. To start, pull the bud apart past hand or chop it up with scissors or a nutrient processor. Don't employ a grinder, since information technology will be a lot harder to filter the establish matter out of the oil if it's footing too fine. Line a baking sail with aluminum foil and pour the marijuana flower onto information technology, then bake it for around 35 minutes.[60]

    • Blistering the bud will dry it out and activate the THC in the plant, a procedure called decarboxylation.
    • If you prefer, you can also decarboxylate your oil subsequently in the procedure, after y'all've extracted the THC from the raw bud.[61]
    • To get nigh i gram (0.035 oz) of cannabis oil, you'll need to commencement with around 10 grams (0.35 oz) of bud.
  2. 2

    Place the bud in a drinking glass jar and pour in some 180-proof booze. Use a potable alcohol, such as vodka.[62] Do not use rubbing booze, because it is unsafe to vape fifty-fifty in trace amounts! Pour in enough alcohol to completely cover the plant with a piffling extra on top.

    • For instance, if you're using ten grams (0.35 oz) of bud, around 118–237 millilitres (iv.0–8.0  fl oz) of booze should be plenty.
  3. 3

    Stir the mixture to release the cannabinoids. For the almost efficient extraction process, use a magnetic stirrer. Drop the magnetic stirring rod into the jar and switch on the stirring plate to activate it. This will let you to release most of the cannabis within about 15 minutes.[63]

    • You can become a basic magnetic stirrer online for nether $xxx, while magnetic stirrer/hotplate combos tend to be a bit pricier.
    • If you're non in a rush, store the jar in a cool, dark location for 10-fourteen days later shaking or stirring the contents past mitt for a few minutes. The alcohol volition naturally break down the plant matter and release the cannabis compounds during that time.[64]
  4. 4

    Filter the solution to remove all the found thing. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean glass jar or chalice. Push button on the bud with a spatula or the back of a spoon to clasp out as much of the liquid equally possible. Then, cascade the filtered solution through 3-four java filters into a new container to remove any remaining particles.[65]

    • Place the coffee filters in a mesh sieve or a funnel at the top of the collection container.
    • When you lot're done, throw away the remaining bloom. After the extraction procedure, it should no longer comprise whatsoever active cannabis compounds.
  5. 5

    Put the liquid in the lord's day for 1 hr to remove the chlorophyll. One time you filter out all the establish matter, y'all'll exist left with a dark-green liquid. While the greenish color won't exercise whatsoever impairment, you might prefer to neutralize it to create a more appealing, amber-colored extract. To do this, simply cover your jar of extract and place information technology outside in the sunday for well-nigh hr.[66]

    • While UV lite can also break downwards the desirable cannabinoids in your extract, this process takes a long time. An hour or two of sunlight isn't likely to do whatsoever harm.[67]
    • If it's non a sunny day, yous can also place the excerpt under a UV grow light for three-4 hours.
  6. half-dozen

    Evaporate the alcohol in a rice cooker or air nevertheless. If y'all use a rice cooker, put information technology outside or in a well-ventilated room with a fan going, since this process will release strong alcohol fumes. Pour the excerpt into the rice cooker and fix it to a low estrus setting, under 290 °F (143 °C). Check the extract frequently, and remove the pot from the rice cooker one time most of the alcohol appears to be evaporated.[68]

    • Depending on how much excerpt y'all're making, this process could take several hours.
    • If possible, use an air yet instead of a rice cooker. While stills are more than expensive, they allow y'all to collect and reuse the alcohol, and many models also shut off automatically when the distillation process is complete.[69]
    • Don't endeavor to evaporate the alcohol on a stovetop or over an open flame! Alcohol is very flammable, and y'all could accidentally start a fire if it's exposed to sparks or flame.
    • Some recipes advise skipping this pace and simply vaping the booze solution, simply this could potentially be dangerous. The effects of inhaling booze are nevertheless non well understood.[70]
  7. 7

    Heat the distilled liquid to 162 °F (72 °C) on a hotplate for 1 hour. This will boil off any remaining alcohol. Pour the extract into a heat-prophylactic glass jar or beaker and prepare it on a hotplate. Go along cooking the mixture until the volume of the liquid drops and the solution stops bubbling.[71]

    • Apply a cooking thermometer or laser thermometer to monitor the temperature. If it gets too hot, yous could burn off some of the terpenes and cannabinoids in the extract.
    • Keep stirring the solution to continue the temperature even. If possible, utilise a hotplate that doubles as a magnetic stirrer then you don't have to stir past mitt.
    • If you didn't decarboxylate the bud before yous started, leave the extract on the hotplate for an extra hour at 220 °F (104 °C) to activate the THC.
  8. viii

    Thin the excerpt with a few drops of liquidizer. Your finished cannabis oil will probably be a bit too thick and gooey to vape. To thin it out a footling, add a liquidizer, such every bit vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, or terpenes. Warm up the oil in the microwave on a depression heat setting (like defrost) for about 90 seconds to liquefy information technology. Then, mix equal parts oil and liquidizer to create your vape juice.[72]

    • While vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol are 2 of the most mutual liquidizers used to make vape juice, it'southward nonetheless not clear how rubber it is to inhale them. Be aware that vaping these chemicals could damage your lungs.[73]
  9. 9

    Inject the due east-juice into a vape cartridge. Take hold of a blunt-needle syringe and draw the desired amount of vape liquid into it, then inject it into a cartridge. Savour your stiff and powerful new vape juice!

    • Store whatever unused liquid in a sealed container in a cool, dark place.


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  • When yous're buying ingredients to make vape juice, such every bit terpenes or commercial liquidizers, check to run into if the product comes with a Certificate of Analysis (COA) to verify the ingredients. This volition assistance you avoid whatsoever harmful additives or contaminants that could make you sick.[74]


  • Never add together vitamin Due east or oils (such equally essential oils, cooking oil, or mineral oil) to your vape juice. According to the CDC, the use of vitamin Due east in vape liquids has been linked with serious lung injuries.[75] Many types of oil tin also impairment and irritate your lungs when you vape them.[76]

  • Medical researchers still don't fully understand the risks of vaping, and many recommend avoiding information technology altogether.[77] Fifty-fifty when you utilize all-natural ingredients to make your vape juice, such as terpenes or vegetable glycerin, there'southward still a chance that y'all could experience unwanted side effects, such as breathing problems or allergic reactions. Endeavour these recipes at your own adventure, and talk to your medico if yous have any health concerns.[78]

  • Ever exist extremely conscientious when handling hot oil or booze. Both are flammable, and they could hands fire you if they get on your skin. Wear protective gear, such as safety goggles, rut-resistant gloves, and long sleeves to cover any exposed skin.

  • Work in a well-ventilated area when you're heating alcohol. You lot may want to put on a respirator mask if the fumes are irritating your olfactory organ, throat, or lungs.


Things Yous'll Need

  • 1-2 high-quality cannabis nuggets
  • Parchment paper
  • Adjustable hair straightener
  • Dabber
  • Kitchen scale
  • Heat-proof glass vial
  • Terpenes
  • Lighter
  • Edgeless-needle syringe
  • Empty vape cartridge
  • Nigh 10 grams (0.35 oz) of marijuana flower
  • Food-course vegetable glycerin
  • Vegetable oil
  • Heat-proof glass chalice
  • Glass jars
  • Glass baking dish
  • Hot plate
  • 2 cooking thermometers
  • Dabber or stirring rod
  • Silicone spatula
  • Fine-mesh strainer
  • Cheesecloth
  • Rubber goggles
  • Heatproof gloves
  • Blunt-needle syringe
  • Empty vape cartridge
  • Raw marijuana buds
  • Baking sheet
  • Aluminum foil
  • Sealable glass jar
  • Dabber or stirring rod
  • Fine-mesh strainer
  • Spatula or spoon
  • Cheesecloth
  • Heatproof glass jar or beaker
  • Hotplate
  • Blunt-needle syringe
  • Empty vape cartridge
  • Raw marijuana buds
  • Baking sail
  • Aluminum foil
  • Heatproof glass chalice or jar
  • 180-proof potable alcohol
  • Magnetic stirrer
  • Fine-mesh sieve
  • Coffee filters
  • Rice cooker or air all the same
  • Hot plate
  • Liquidizer, such as terpenes, vegetable glycerin, or propylene glycol
  • Blunt-needle syringe
  • Empty vape cartridge

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Cannabis-Oil-for-Vape-Pens

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